Rev. Anne Lowen
Assistant Chaplain
As well as sharing in leading services, an important focus of Anne’s ministry is encouraging prayer in the life of the church. She is also responsible for communications at ACB.
ACB Church Council
Church Wardens
The wardens are responsible along with the chaplain for the management and smooth running of the church. They are elected to serve for one year at the Annual Chaplaincy Meeting.
Eleanor Arnander
Miranda Herbert
Church Council Members
The Council represent the members of ACB. They work with the Chaplain to promote the whole mission of the chaplaincy: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. They are elected to serve a one year term.
Eleanor Anklin
Jane Foxley
Denise Hoppe
Lee Ann Hunkler
Isaac Micheals
Birgit Müh
Laurie Phelan
Bryn Roberts
Phil Smith
Archdeaconry Synod Representatives
In addition to serving on council they represent ACB at Swiss Archdeaconry Synod. They serve a 3 year term
Robin Hall
Leonat Luma
Nigel Spencer