Prayer at ACB and beyond
Would you value having someone pray with/for you?
Whatever your age, race or creed, and whether you are a church member or not, our trained prayer ministry team are happy to pray for you, or with you.
Prayer ministry usually takes place on Sunday mornings during and after 10:30 but is also available at other times by arrangement.
You will be asked what you would like prayer for. They will then guide you through the prayer. You can say as much or as little as you like.
“Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything.
With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God”.
Philippians 4:6 (CEV)
Prayer Ministry
If you would like prayer for a specific situation or for healing, members of the prayer ministry team are available during and after the 10:30 service every week to pray with you.
You will be asked what you would like prayer for, they will then guide you through the prayer.
Clergy are available to pray with you after the 18:00 service.
Prayer for ACB
Pick up a prayer diary at one of our services and pray for the church leadership, activities of ACB and our living links.
ACB Prayer Chain
A large group of ACB intercessors are ready to pray for others in times of need.
To make a prayer request or join the group who pray click here.
Prayer Requests Cards
Prayer request cards are available at all our services.
Try Praying
Do you want to pray but don't know where to start?
Try praying is a 7 day prayer guide to help you get started in conversation with God.
Each day comprises 4 parts:
- Read something to get you thinking
- Read a short story of someone sharing how prayer worked in their life
- Think about some wise words
- Pray – speaking to God
Available as an app or in booklet form. More information at
Links to some great daily prayer sites
Daily Prayer from the Church of England
Join with Anglicans around the world in services of Morning, Evening & Night Prayer, and Prayer During the Day.
WordLive - daily Bible reading guide
Moms in Prayer International
Join a small group of moms praying for their children and schools.
There are over 1500 groups in Switzerland!
“I find that when I pray coincidences happen, and when I stop praying, the coincidences stop happening!”
Archbishop William Temple