- This event has passed.
ACB Annual General Meeting 2023
20/03/2023 @ 19:00 - 20:30
19:00 – Monday, 20th March
in the Adventhaus,
Rümelinbachweg 60, Basel.
This is an important opportunity to hear reports on the past year and elect a new Church Council for the year ahead. Only those who are on the electoral roll are entitled to vote.
We will be appointing/electing:
- 2 churchwardens to serve for one year
- 3 archdeaconry synod representatives to serve for three years (who also serve on the church council)
- 9 lay representatives to serve on our church council.
If you would like to nominate someone to stand for election please ask the Church Office for a nomination form. Nominees must be on the electoral roll.
A meeting to provide detailed information about our finances will take place following the 10:30 service on 12 March.
The AGM report pack will be available for collection in church on 5th March. It will be posted to all those on the electoral roll if not collected in person that Sunday.
Revision of the ACB Electoral Roll
Enrolment on the Electoral Roll makes you a member of ACB and is an expression of commitment to the life of our church. It is open to all who worship at ACB (who are baptised and over 16), and entitles you to vote at the AGM, as well as to stand for election to the Church Council.
If you are on the existing roll you do not need to reapply this year. Contact the church office if you are unsure whether you are already on the roll.
Enrolment forms are available from the church office or at church services.
The closing date for applications for enrolment on the Electoral Roll is Monday 3 March 2023
Application for a Postal Vote
If you are not able to attend the AGM in person but are enrolled on the electoral roll you are entitled to a postal vote should an election be necessary for membership of the Chaplaincy Council. This is allowed following a resolution passed at our AGM in 2020.
Please contact the church office for the form for an application for a postal vote. Completed forms may be returned to the office by post or email (Scanned copy of signed form). Completed application forms must be received by 18:00 on Monday 20th March.
Should the number of candidates exceed the number of seats those who have applied for a postal vote will be sent a voting paper within 7 days of the close of the annual general meeting.